
Honestly, this page is really boring and quite unnecessary. However, if you are really curious as to how my reviews work, what I'll review or anything in relation of, here is where you'll get your info! Everything will be in a Question and Answer format, therefore if anyone has other questions, it will be easier to address. Okay, ready?

Additional questions shall be emailed here and will be answered as soon as possible.

What books do you review?

Anything within the young adult genre and occasionally some adult fiction, but that will be scarce so expect to find 98% of the reviews on this blog or on YouTube to be of the young adult genre.

Why should I listen to you?

Because I'm amazing, that's why! No, really, I am, but honestly, it's because I will NEVER sugarcoat anything. I really dislike it whenever people are never straightforward enough so I keep it real and raw with everyone. However, if I know that I might offend, I will definitely, without a doubt, notify you before proceeding with the review.

Should I heed the warning?

My question to you is, will you get offended?

Will you do a written review for every novel you read?

Most likely yes. Now that I've started this blog, I really feel dedicated and excited, so I'm motivated. It also wouldn't hurt if you would follow, you know.

Also, there would most likely be a written review for sequels rather than video reviews, because those hardly get any views. If, for example, I just finished reading the thirteenth Private book, I doubt I will do a video review as opposed to a written one. So, if you're curious about my thoughts and opinions, you're welcome to check it out!

Will you do a video review for every novel you read?

No, definitely not. However, if there is a written review, a video review has probably already been posted. However, as I've said above, I will not do a video review for books that are too far away within a series, because, although I strive to make my videos within the five to six minute length, I do not want to waste anyone's time.

When can I expect a review?

Written reviews will be posted within a week and a half upon completion of the novel. Video reviews tend to be posted sooner because they are the most fun!

Why are you so rude in your reviews?

I'm not. Well, at least I don't think I am and like I said before, if I suspect that something may be offensive, then I'll warn you. I'm just a naturally blunt person. I'll tell you how it is without reservation. However, I do not like profanity therefore I bleep those out with a funny noise whenever I curse in a video.

However, I am vocal about sexual themes within a book and I have no problem saying anything about sex, but I use the medical term whenever I mention something along the lines, never slang.

How long does it take you to read a book?

It depends on how good the book is or how horrible it is. It is very unlikely that I abandon a book midway, but three days to a week is usually the average time frame. However, school comes first, so whenever school is in session, it may take a longer time.

Can you read and review [insert book here] by [insert author's name here]:

Sure! If I own it, that's a definite yes. If I don't own it, then patience is a virtue. All suggestions are definitely taken into consideration, you just have to sell me the idea. Book suggestions should be emailed here.

Take the time to browse around this PAGE if you want a specific review on a certain book. It is a list of all the books that I own and all the books I've read since 2009. If it is in bold, it means that there is a written review already posted. If it is bolded as well as underlined, then there is a video review as well. If it is in italics, there is only a video review, and if it is regularly typed, then there are no reviews whatsoever. Visit the archive for existing reviews.

Will you review [insert book title here] by [insert author's name here] to help me out with school work?

I'm pretty sure there are other sites that you can check for additional help. Sorry, but I work hard to excel in school. You should too! There are no shortcuts in life.

Do you receive ARCS or FREE books from PUBLISHERS?

Heck no! Would I like them someday? Sure! I will treasure it with all my heart.

[Insert question here that isn't up there]:

I love receiving emails! Go ahead and shoot