Title: Shift
Series: Shade Trilogy
Author: Jeri Smith-Ready
Release Date: May 3, 2011
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Page Number: 384
Sequel: Shine (2012)
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Video Review (Because I say other things too)
Grabbing Line: Do you love her enough to let her go?
Aura’s love has brought Logan back from being a shade. But now that he’s a violet-hued ghost again, Aura is more confused than ever. She wants to be there for Logan and support him as a friend, but their relationship will come at the expense of her relationship with Zachary, her very alive, very handsome, very Scottish research partner. Both boys hold a piece of her heart—and secrets that can help Aura unlock the mysteries of the Shift and of her past. Aura must decide between the two or risk losing them both. But how?
Synopsis from Amazon